Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Orientation was...interesting.

In terms of actual information intake, I'd rate today a failure.  All I really got was another vague tour of patches of the campus, some more info on union/club pricing, and a few random flyers promoting anything from non-atheism to same sex marriage.  The only lecture I went to was a new low: about 'academic expectations', it had just about every study cliche you could think of- active learning, get enough sleep and exercise, and some other random stuff.  In truth, the most beneficial information I got today was where I'd get newspapers from.

On the whole though, today was a good day.  I caught up with a few old friends from school days and saw other classmates around the place, and heard about science O-week camp 'events' which were shocking and funny in equal measure. People said that I should've been there, but I think listening to the stories I was better off at home, and besides if I went I would've missed an awesome party on Saturday night. 

Finally sorted out my uni timetable, which is looking good despite having to go in 5 days a week and having straight lessons from 11-4 on monday. 

Work is also getting better; I've finally figured out how to stack my papers in the trolley so I don't have to wrench out magazines, and with a consistent route i've minimized time wasted pushing an empty trolley home.  It also seems far less strenuous than it used to, so perhaps it has increased my fitness!

not a bad day at all.