Friday, August 14, 2009

first post

Hey everyone!

I've read some blogs recently and I must admit I was very impressed with the sophistication of some of them. It prompted me to think about blogging, and I decided I might as well give it a go; after all most people who blog seem to be pretty normal and cool people to be around so it shouldn't be another one of those things which will 'make me fail vce'! hopefully...

I must admit I was tentative about starting this- despite what some of you might think I am a pretty self concious guy who can get uncomfortable in the public eye, as those at house music can attest! I figured that even if this does turn out to be a bad blog at least I can get a bit of english practice.

If you're wondering why I decided to name my blog 'loz man', don't ask- I'm not entirely sure its so great either! I've looked at the names of some people's blogs; some people combine complex words (Dean), others decide to show off their french skills (Jon) while many decide to simply use nicknames (Edi). Admittedly I spent a long time trying to think up something sophisticated and classy for myself but couldn't come up with much, but the whole time I couldn't get the images of Dean and Edi saying (yelling? screaming?) 'lozzzzmmmannn', so I figured it will have to do for now.

That's it from me!


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