Saturday, August 14, 2010

square zero

I was going to post something after being rejected for my job interview (no call back), entitled square one.  I knew that the chances of getting the job were slim, but it still sucks when you're implicitly told you aren't good enough. 

I don't really know why the blow was so disappointing.  Maybe it was because the interview seemed so close to the actual job.  Maybe it was coupled with the fact that my new tutoring student in fact didn't really want me tutoring him despite what he said.  I think I'll take a bit of a break from job hunting though.  The endless online applications and emails and phone calls can get kinda draining.

So I was basically where I was seven months ago when I got the walking job, thinking I'd be upgrading soon. 

Little did I know it'd get worse, and I'd get kicked out of Engineering Mathematics, and in doing so throwing my course plans off course.

It started innocuously enough.  I wasn't on my tutorial roll, so my tutor told me to see the head tutor to fix it up.  I couldn't find her, so I emailed.  Instead of fixing it, she went through my student record and claimed I had not done the proper prereq of calc 2.  No worries, I thought.  I had the subject approved at the start of the year, hence my enrolment. 

Apparently not.  I had to go see the head lecturer for approval.  I couldn't find him either, so more emails.  He was not impressed.  He was adamant that I hadn't seen too much of the prereq subject so he 'didn't want me' doing eng maths. 

I got some calc 2 tute sheets off a friend (thanks jacky!) and looked through it. 

Limits. surfaces. complex numbers.  All stuff I had covered already.  The only thing i hadn't done was differential equations, which didn't look too hard.  I told the lecturer I'd be happy to sit a test on calc 2 material.

The problem with email is the lack of 'channel richness'.  You can respond to an email after an age or conveniently ignore it.  The lecturer, decided to contact student admin to remove me from the subject without even replying to me.

wow that sounded like a mega rant.  Lucky I didn't write this right after my enrolment got cancelled or it would've sounded even worse.  I'm surprisingly feeling okay now though.  It's amazing what meeting up with friends at the start of a weekend can do.


  1. hey loz, sounds like you're feeling okay atm but hopefully things brighten up for you soon :)

    so what are you going to do now? Are you still going to sit the test or not

  2. Ohh Loz man things sometimes seems like one bad thing after another but, the turning point will be around the corner :)

  3. thanks heaps both of you!
    yeah i'm sure it'll turn out alright =)
    i've figured out a new course plan now so should be okay, but if the lecturer guy offers a test then i'll take it.

    things will definitely get better when I have good friends like you two :]
